
diagnostic car tool Accessories&quot

Ways to Diagnose Poor Spark Plug Wires 1Set the dial on the voltmeter for the "OHMs" setting. It's going to be designated by the "Ω" symbol on the voltmeter.2Insert one lead of the voltmeter into one end of the spark plug wire. Then insert another lead into the other end of the plug wire. Auto diagnostic tools

3Read the display on the voltmeter. It should read "0." A ".05" variance in the reading is acceptable. If the variance is higher than this diagnostic car tool, then the spark plug wires are undesirable and need to be replaced. How to Diagnose an Audi 1Plug the code reader into your diagnostic port situated underneath your Audi's steering wheel.

2Insert your Audi's important into the ignition and turn it to the "Accessories" position in order that the car's electronics are activated.3Power on the code scan tool and allow it to scan for the diagnostic codes.4Write down the diagnostic codes as they appear on the screen.5Check the diagnostic codes that you just received from the tool against a table on the diagnostic codes offered for your car.

